[!INFO] 注意事项
📅 、🔁、⏫ 截止时间,重复,优先级需要放到末端才能被识别
- github::https://GitHub.com/obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks
- 帮助中心::Introduction - Tasks User Guide - Obsidian Publish
- cmd+shift+T:可视化界面添加任务
# Only tasks that are not done, that is, which begin like this (but without the quotes):
# '- [ ] ' or
# '* [ ] ' or
# '1. [ ] '
# IndenTED tasks are supported, but only single-line tasks.
not done
# Tasks due today or earlier:
due before tomorrow
not done
no due date
due after in 3 day
due before in 7 day
is not recurring
# Restrict to at most 100 tasks.
# If you ask Tasks to display many hundreds or thousands of tasks,
# Obsidian's editing performance really slows down.
limit 100
# Group and sort the output:
group by filename
sort by due reverse
sort by description
sort by priority,due
# Optionally, ask Tasks to explain how it interpreted this query:
hide edit button
:显示查询语句的含义- 时间格式使用的是: 2023-04-16
- 🔁 every week on Saturday 重复任务
- 🔁 every week on Saturday 重复任务
3.1 没有完成时间(task的时间需要再末尾)
not done
no due date
hide edit button
3.2 未来7天内的待办(排除今天)
not done
due after in 0 day
due before in 7 day
is not recurring
sort by priority,due
hide edit button
3.3 今日未完成待办(时间要放在最后)
((not done) AND (due before {{date}})) OR ((not done) AND (due on {{date}}))
is not recurring
sort by priority, due
hide edit button
3.4 查询同步到todoist的任务
not done
description includes todoist
hide edit button
3.5 查询没有完成的任务,按照文件名排序
not done
group by filename
3.6 标题或者内容包含
description includes 收件箱
heading includes 收件箱
hide edit button
3.7 查询文献笔记下的待办
path includes 文献
not done
hide edit button
sort by description reverse, priority,due
- 五彩 (1.000)
- obsidian-插件-auto-Note-Mover (1.000)
- thino (1.000)
- obsidian-插件-wordpress (1.000)
- obsidian插件-douban (1.000)
- 山脉-嵩山 (RANDOM - 0.500)